A Feeling In A South American Country

Data: Hey you guys! Who painted my ass white? A pound of relish and a anchovy whould kick ass!
Piccard: Warp me to Halifax!
Data: Watch me eat four hundred and fifty fuckin' hard boiled eggs!

Worf: There are too many penguins eating lunch - shit!
Data: Yup! How about we have some super fried eggs?

Piccard: «Andrea Bocelli»

Geordie: What's happenin' ?
Worf: Any Games?!
Geordie: Yeah whatever, I want some apple juice!

Ricker: Truth about apple juice, is that it makes me sick!
Worf: Kill Geordie!
Data: I figured we'd roast him alive...

Geordie: My mission, after apple school, is to win the rodeo!
Piccard: Yeah, so?!

Ricker: Ninjas - hijacked - my mother... shoot Steven before we go!
Piccard: Why don't we have some fries? But don't check me out, I'm obviously made of fish - abdomen and some dried fish...
Worf: Happy? Happy in Paraguay is a symptom of horny fish!

Piccard: Are you for panda rape?
Worf: You crazy woman!!!
Ricker: You shut-up!!!

Worf: How many fish-heads?
Piccard: Five!
Data: You' crazy!
Piccard: It's time to poo...
Worf: What do you say we make apple juice and fax it to each other?!
Data: Captain, the French are about to kick my ass!

Piccard: «arroto»
Ricker: I can smell that! My van's in pieces...
Piccard: Don't be a dickhead sonovabitch!
Ricker: Yeah... Mind if I fuck arround in you attick?!
Piccard: Give me four glasses of apple juice!

Geordie: This is a drag!
Ferengi: Heeeey!
Geordie: Shit! Go the fuck away!... go away!
Ferengi: Heeeey!
Piccard: Apple juice, for half-price?! You and me in Japan! Watch me dance!
Ferengi: Ho Yeah! We wanna freak out on you! You have a whole bunch of fish you're about to reel!!!
Piccard: I have a sheep doing roofie over at my house. Come and drop in, we'll put on Zeppelin and eat cheddar cheese!
Ferengi: Why don't you play with Worf's hair? I need to get home and get fuckin' high!
Piccard: Jesus is a raisin!
Ferengi: I need to go pee soon, really bad!
Piccard: I smell! Fuck a hologram!

Geordie: «Hey Baby! Pretty baby!»
Data: Want some apple juice?
Geordie: I like haiku!
Data: Did you ordered you airport, Jim? Ever scratched yourseld untill you have a hole in your bag?!
Geordie: Haiku!
Data: I have business, installing styrofoam nuns! Fuck a fruit basket!

-- i can't get this outta my head!


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